1. Where are you located?
  2. There is a problem with my order or delivery!
  3. Is there a warranty on my parts?
  4. Is there a core charge for any parts you sale?
  5. Do you accept returns and exchanges?

Q: Where are you located?

We are located in Yorktown, Virginia.

Q: There is a problem with my order or delivery!

Please contact us here or leave us a message on the chat link on the lower right-hand side of the website. Contacting us via the link or chat will be fastest with response times usually less than an hour during normal business hours.

Q: Is there a warranty on my parts?

Warranties vary, unless a specified warranty time is stated in the items description. Most items will be warrantied from defect for 60 days from date of delivery.

Q: Is there a core charge for any parts you sale?

All of the items we sale are new, not refurbished or rebuilt. There will never be a core needed for anything we sale.

Q: Do you accept returns?

Yes, We have a 60 day return policy. Please see our Returns page for more information.